Renault T
Renault T
Following our production of Dakar rally trucks for Renault, WSI Models is now taking the next steps in its partnership with Renault with the launch of the Renault T.

The Renault T generation hit the road in 2013 and has since gained in popularity. The two most common cab versions are the Renault Trucks T and the Renault Trucks T-High, the latter with a higher mounted cab for a flatter cab floor and a wealth of indoor space.
The modern driveline is available with a power of up to 520 hp and with axle configurations of 4x2 to 10x4.
The Renault T has been widely praised for its unique design, which is highly distinct from the usual norm. Gracious lines and a rugged grill provide for an impressive design of both the T and the T-High. We are proud to be able to add these to our range.
The model
We’re currently launching both the Renault T and the Renault T-High. Both cab versions are also available in all axle configurations immediately, both the tractor unit and rigid truck.

The low roof sleeper cab and C and K series are due to be added in the not-too-distant future. We have added a wide range of options, as you would expect, including fenders, spoilers, side skirts, accessories, and interior options. The ‘first shots’ have been approved and we have commenced production preparation, so keep an eye on our media channels for up-to-date information.

Coming soon…
In the meantime, we have busied ourselves preparing beautiful Renault model series. We can’t tell you everything just yet, but there are some truly great models in the pipeline! However, here are our initial announcements, certainly something to make the mouth water!
B.A. van Herk
Renault T High

Wim Yland
Renault T

John O'Neill
Renault T

Hotze Adema
Renault T High

Arie de Jong
Renault T High

Renault T High

Renault T High

Renault T High

E. Moesbergen & Zn.
Renault T

Renault T High

Renault T High